Friday, December 14, 2007


The panathlon was held here in college on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday this week.

We had 1700+ pupils from 21 secondary schools ( including Special Schools ) in the City involved -- the biggest event of its kind in the country. We had 12 SPD students from years 2 and 3 responsible for organizing, hosting and running the event each day, along with a large number of other students from other SSPEL courses involved in officiating individual competitions. We also had half a dozen coaches from local clubs working with different sports and even a Chair of Governors, who turned up to support his pupils.

In the feedback session on Thursday afternoon, our students acknowledged how much they had learned from the experience as well as how much they had enjoyed it.

This event also has huge value as a pr exercise for us to the kids and their families, as well as across the city through teachers and local clubs.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Successful bid for funds

Dave Harris and Ian Gilhespy have been successful in a bid to the Higher Education Academy Network for Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Pedagogic Research and Development Fund 2007/08 (Round 9).

The title for the project is ‘Reusable Learning Objects: Evaluating the Outcomes of Multi-Media and Single Medium RLOs’. The intention is to set up a trial to see if students learn equally well with PowerPoints, podcasts, video, handouts or multimedia RLOs. The implications for costs are obvious, but we are also keen to pin down any emergent 'multimedia effects'.

Anyone interested in RLOs might like to scan our own collection, covering topics like Sport and Leisure, Research Methods and Study Skills, available here

Dave Harris

College Award

Helen Bowstead (Study Skills) and Dave Harris have won a College Teaching Award. The project involves getting students to 'think aloud' as they undertake various typical tasks such as taking notes from lectures or reading academic articles. Students will be given standard questionnaires to establish their learning styles to see if this relates to these specific learning behaviours.

Subsequently, lecturers will be asked to 'think aloud' as they design typical tasks,and the results compared to those of the learners. Implications will be explored for both learners and teachers.

Outcomes will include the production of learning materials, perhaps in the form of RLOs, and some publications at various levels.

Helen and Dave would also like to acknowledge the useful input made by the Deputy Dean for SSPEL, Dr Ian Luke.

Dave Harris

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Hitherto unsung hero of sport

Harry Richardson last night received the award for “Outstanding Contribution to Sport” at the Evening Herald Sports Personality of the Year Awards 2007.

Well done Harry – a well deserved accolade!

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